
Living with COVID-19

Masks are still recommended during visiting

Vaccination against COVID-19 is strongly recommended

Long Term Care homes follow the Ministry of Health directives in the BC Visitor Guideline from the BC Centre for Disease Control. Vaccinations, rapid testing, and health screening are no longer required for visitors. However, we continue to provide masks while visiting in the Lodge and we encourage visitors to be vaccinated to protect our residents, many of whom are frail. Thank-you for your patience and understanding.

Our Current Visitation Plan

General Principles

  • Visitation between residents of a Long Term Care Home and their family and friends introduces a risk of transmission of COVID-19 to, or from, the resident and the facility staff.
  • Visitors, residents, and Blenheim Lodge staff must be committed to adhering to the infection prevention and control requirements for COVID-19.
  • The safety of residents and the Care Team is the priority and should not be compromised for unsafe social visits.
  • If either the resident or the visitor has (or is under investigation for) signs or symptoms of COVID-19, the visit must not occur.
  • This plan will be reviewed by Blenheim Lodge monthly and modified as needed and updated in accordance with direction provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control, BC Ministry of Health, and Vancouver Coastal Health.


  • Vaccinated
    • Fully Vaccinated:  at least 7 days after having received a full series (currently two doses) of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by the BC government.
    • Vaccinated / Partially Vaccinated:  at least 7 days after having received just one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by the BC government.
    • Unvaccinated:  not having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by the BC government.

Rules for Visits

  • Screening
    • Screeners are no longer at the door. Each visitor should consider their current state of health before entering Blenheim Lodge (including going through the building to an outside meeting place).
    • Visitors with signs or symptoms of COVID-19, as well as those in self-isolation or quarantine in accordance with public health directives, must not visit.
  • Testing
    • “Rapid Testing” before visits is no longer required.
  • Vaccinations Not Required, But Recommended
    • Visitors should be “fully vaccinated” (have two approved doses).
  • Unvaccinated Visitor
    • During an outbreak of illness in the Lodge, unvaccinated visitors will be restricted from visiting.
    • A visitor who is not “fully vaccinated” is permitted to visit if no outbreak is occurring, but should wear a face mask at all times in the Lodge.
  • PPE and Hygiene
    • Visitors must comply fully with direction from Blenheim Lodge staff to perform hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, safe physical distancing, and wearing a facemask.
    • A new facemask is available at the entry door.
    • Visitors should wear a face mask inside the building.
  • Gifts, Flowers, and Food
    • No restrictions, but please remember:
      • Check with Lodge staff for any safety cautions or restrictions the resident has about food.
  • Pets
    • Visitors may bring in healthy and behaved pets on a leash.
    • Pets are not permitted in the dining rooms and the pet must be restricted to the resident they are visiting.
  • In case of a COVID-19 “outbreak” or “event”
    • Essential Visits and visits from the Designated Visitor will be permitted during an outbreak or an illness event.
    • Social Visits
      • Will cease immediately if an “outbreak” is declared and the Lodge goes into active outbreak management; will resume as soon as the outbreak is declared over;
      • May not be permitted if an illness “event” (significant illnesses among residents and/or staff) occurs; will resume as soon as the event is over.

June 2024